The Evening Muse, Charlotte NC

This blog is dedicated to sharing my thoughts about and photos of performances at The Evening Muse in Charlotte, NC. The Evening Muse is a special place which affords singer/songwriters the opportunity to showcase their talents in a warm and friendly environment. It's a place where undiscovered future "stars" can be seen.

My Photo
Location: Charlotte, NC, United States

Monty is a freelance photographer and avid music fan located in Charlotte, NC. He has been documenting the world through still photography for over 30 years. Monty's website is meant to both share online images and support the acquisition of prints/merchandise of those images by those whom desire to do so. Monty's travels have brought him to several corners of the world. "The ability to share these travels and my personal interests with friends and family has proven to be both an inspiration and a great source of personal satisfaction for me. Inspiration and satisfaction tend to sum up to balance which is something I treasure greatly."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jukebox The Ghost

Last night a very exciting band called "Jukebox The Ghost" performed at The Evening Muse here in Charlotte. This is a band not to miss if you want to experience a musically rewarding evening which will lift your spirits and enhance your mood for the rest of the night afterwards. These guys have a sound which is a cross between Queen and Barenakedladies - with the energy of KISS! I'd encourage you to check their schedule and try like hell to see them.
I had a blast photographing them and then doing the post processing listening to their CD entitled - "Let Live & Let Ghosts". An excellent recording that had me tapping my feet again. Songs will be on my IPod soon.

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