The Evening Muse, Charlotte NC

This blog is dedicated to sharing my thoughts about and photos of performances at The Evening Muse in Charlotte, NC. The Evening Muse is a special place which affords singer/songwriters the opportunity to showcase their talents in a warm and friendly environment. It's a place where undiscovered future "stars" can be seen.

My Photo
Location: Charlotte, NC, United States

Monty is a freelance photographer and avid music fan located in Charlotte, NC. He has been documenting the world through still photography for over 30 years. Monty's website is meant to both share online images and support the acquisition of prints/merchandise of those images by those whom desire to do so. Monty's travels have brought him to several corners of the world. "The ability to share these travels and my personal interests with friends and family has proven to be both an inspiration and a great source of personal satisfaction for me. Inspiration and satisfaction tend to sum up to balance which is something I treasure greatly."

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Jennifer Daniels

Well it's been a while since I've been able to get out to The Evening Muse. But as I read the email from Joe and Leah about the weekends show I really couldn't pass on seeing Jennifer Daniels. I've missed her the last two times and wasn't going to miss her again.

Once again Jennifer played to a full house and she did not dissappoint. Perhaps it was due to being almost home after being on the road a lot this summer, but she displayed a great sense of connection with the audience and was truly at ease as she shared some new tunes and then led into a set which included just about everything on her CD "Summer Filled Sky". This 90 minute set was truly enjoyable as she shared the breadth and depth of her songwriting through the strength, passion, and exhuberant joy of her voice.

Of course we did learn one special tidbit - Jeff is actually the "wild" one of this dyno-duo; but on stage Jennifer is able to fullfill this role to sate her alter-ego.. Not sure I really buy this one, but that was Jennifer's version of the truth tonight. :-)

The Evening Muse is a special place to listen to Jennifer as it affords her a setting to demonstrate a sound that is very close to her CD recording. Closing my eyes it was like I was at home listening - but I was able to watch the joy with which this pleasing music is produced. My hats off to Jennifer and Jeff for an amazing show. Thanks!

Until next time,


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